This week Loree & Loree launched its Federal Arbitration Act Litigation Website and Federal Arbitration Act Litigation Procedure Blog. The website is designed to highlight the services Loree & Loree offers as respects representing individuals, businesspersons and business entities in Federal Arbitration Act litigation in federal and state courts as part of our arbitration and arbitration law practice. It also, however, sets forth some general information about arbitration law and the Federal Arbitration Act, which may be useful or at least of interest to persons who may never have a need to engage our services. And the blog of course, is designed to impart yet more general information of interest pertinent to Federal Arbitration Act litigation procedure.
Some Useful Information on the Federal Arbitration Act
Here’s a list of Federal Arbitration Act Litigation Website pages that provide some information about Federal Arbitration Act litigation:
- Arbitration Law and Why it’s so Important
- The Federal Arbitration Act
- Purposes and Objectives of the Federal Arbitration Act
- Federal Arbitration Act Litigation
Readers may already know that Loree & Loree has, since the first half of 2009, a firm website, which can be accessed at It is the site to which this blog, the Loree Reinsurance and Arbitration Law Forum,is attached, which is why the URL is
Earlier this month we added the Arbitration Award Enforcement Practice Website to highlight the award enforcement services we provide clients as part of our arbitration and arbitration law practice, and, as part of that site, launched the Arbitration Award Practice Blog, which we discussed in our last Forum post, here. Our new Federal Arbitration Act Litigation Website, and its accompanying Federal Arbitration Act Litigation Procedure Blog serves similar purposes, but with a focus that is both broader and narrower than Arbitration Award Enforcement Practice Website and its Arbitration Award Practice Blog.
Federal Arbitration Act Litigation Website and Blog
Compared to Arbitration Award Enforcement Practice Website and Blog
The Federal Arbitration Act Litigation Website and the Federal Arbitration Act Litigation Procedure Blog are broader in the sense that they concern not only the indirect enforcement of arbitration agreements by enforcing awards (enforce means to give effect to, so vacating an award in whole or in part is as much a part of the enforcement process as confirming it), but also concerns the direct enforcement of arbitration agreements through petitions and applications to compel arbitration, stay litigation, appoint arbitrators and enforce arbitral subpoenas. They are also narrower in focus because they are principally directed at Federal Arbitration Act governed agreements and awards, rather than also including awards or agreements governed by Section 301 of the Labor Management Relations Act or by state arbitration law only.
The Federal Arbitration Act Litigation Procedure Blog is even narrower than its companion website because it is focused on the procedural aspects of Federal Arbitration Act litigation. We’ve discussed Federal Arbitration Act litigation procedure in this blog before, but it is one of those subjects that is not only critically important to anyone seeking relief under the Federal Arbitration Act in federal or state court, but one about which many lawyers seem to know very little. And that’s unfortunate because Federal Arbitration Act litigation has more than its fair share of procedural land mines.
Like the Arbitration Award Practice Blog, the Federal Arbitration Act Litigation Procedure Blog will use a “Nuts & Bolts” or “FAQs” format. Our goal is to publish plain-English articles addressing pertinent arbitration-law related topics. Generally, extensive background knowledge will not be presumed, although having at least some knowledge of litigation-procedure basics will certainly help readers to appreciate more fully some of the finer points raised. The goal is to publish articles that will appeal to an audience whose experience with arbitration and arbitration law covers a broad spectrum.
Tags: Federal Arbitration Act, Federal Arbitration Act Litigation Procedure