We were thrilled and honored to learn just recently that Loree & Loree was selected by Expertise.com out of a group of 1,763 persons or firms reviewed to be one of Expertise.com’s top 18 “Arbitrators & Mediators” in New York City for 2019. (See here.) Expertise.com’s “goal is to connect people with the best local experts.” (See here.)
The criteria used was reputation, credibility, availability, and professionalism. Expertise.com’s website describes those criteria in more detail and explains how top expert selections are made here and here.
In making its determination, Expertise.com “scored arbitrators & mediators on more than 25 variables across five categories, and analyzed the results to give you a hand-picked list of the best arbitrators & mediators in New York, NY.” (See here.) The category “Arbitrators & Mediators” includes firms, like L&L, which represent clients in arbitrations and in arbitration-law related disputes.
About L&L, Expertise.com said that “[t]he boutique firm is known for personalized service and reasonable fees and covers B2B litigation and arbitration, arbitration law, practice, and procedures, reinsurance, and insurance matters.” Expertise.com noted, among other things, that the “office has been quoted in Global Arbitration Review,” and “has considerable experience with the Federal Arbitration Act. . . .” (See here.)
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